Week beginning: 9th February, 2025


And Simon answered, ‘Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.’ 

In the readings today, God calls people through His majestic revelations as well as through His calm and ordinary conversation with simple people like Peter. Every encounter with God makes us recognise that we are poor, inadequate, limited, and above all, sinful. It is His mercy and forgiveness that change us into His apostles of the life-changing Good News.

Commenting on today’s Word, Pope Benedict XVI said: “The humility of Isaiah, Peter and Paul in the presence of God, invites those who have received the gift of the divine vocation, not to focus on their limitation, but to keep their gaze fixed on the Lord and his surprising mercy, to be open to the conversion of heart by God, and to joyfully leave everything for Him.” Every encounter with the Lord reveals our nothingness and opens us to salvation and new life.


Please find the link to this week’s Newsletter below:


Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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