Union of Catholic Mothers (UCM)
Why Catholic Women join the UCM?
Catholic women join The UCM for a variety of reasons as meetings provide fellowship and friendship and are a blend of social and spiritual activities. The UCM meeting, literature and contacts provide ongoing fresh interests.
There are opportunities for varied and valuable Catholic action but nothing should be undertaken at the expense of personal family life. Through unity with othe members, many thousands strong, greater influence can be exerted on public affairs that affect marriage and family life. United in prayer, members never face life difficulties alone but are strengthened by the support of fellow members.
The UCM The family which lives love even though imperfectly, and opens itself generously to the rest of society, is the primary agent of a future of peace. A civilisation of peace is not possible if love is lacking.
Pope John Paul II
The UCM is family’
Brownies & Guides Come and have fun
What do we get up to at Brownies?
Brownies is our section for girls aged seven to tem Through regular meetings, special events, day trips, sleepovers, camps and holidays, Brownies learn new hobbies, play music, explore other cultures and get adventurous outdoors, Girls can also extend their knowledge and abilities by working towards Brownie interest badges covering many different hobbies and activities frame Science Investigator to Circus skalls 7th Plumstead St Patricks Brownies meet every Monday 6-7.30pm St Patrick School Hall
What do Guides do?
Guides is our section for girls aged. In 14:
By becoming part of a worldwide community of girls who learn together and share skills and experiences, Caldes have the chance to get out there and do something really differem Members take part in a wide range of exciting activities at their regular acetings, and at special events or holidays.
Girls can get involved in anything from adventure sports to performing arts, travel and taking part in community-action projects.
Guides work together in small groups or Patrisks abi. With the support of an adult Leader Choose and run some of the cavities themselves using Go for le resource packs 7th Plumstead St. Patricks Brownies anest every Monday 7:45 – 9:15pm SL Paks School Hall.
African Forum (AF)
The African Forum was originally established in October 1005 and reconstituted in February 2012. It is open to all people of African descent who are members of Patrick’s Roman Catholic church in London SEIS in Plumstead
- The Patron of the Forum is Father luchard
- The Patron Saint is Charles Lwanga.
The Forum’s main aims and objectives are:
- To promote peace, unity and progress of the parish.
- To promote good social relationships and the active involvement and integration of Africans in all parish activities.
- To celebrate and promote intra-community sharing of skills, expertise and business patronage among members of the Forum and the parish in Plumstead
- Promote the welfare of its members
We do this by actively supporting the Parish in its various ministries including Fund raising activities, Music, Liturgy, reading, Children’s Ministry, Church cleaning and lay ministry among others. We offer each other support, including social and prayer.
If you are of African descent /heritage and are committed in serving the parish please join us
Meeting every 4th Sunday of the month
Venue: St Patrick’s social hall
Ministers of Holy Communion
Lay people are commissioned as Ministers of the Eucharist for a fixed period to help the priests distribute Holy Communion at Mass and to the sick and housebound.
Lay Ministers are required to attend a training course prior to commissioning. The priest will normally invite people to undertake this ministry. Requirements: Baptized and Confirmed Catholic men and women of at least 25 years of age are eligible for this ministry. They should he persons who sincerely try to live the Gospel message in their com-munal and individual lives. If they are married, they should be married in the Church (divorce does not make one ineligible to serve as an extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion). They should faithfully participate in the Sunday Eucharist and with God’s grace in every aspect of their lives. People under the age of 25 must be individually recommended for delegation by their pastors.
Candidates for extraordinary ministry of Holy Communion are to be properly trained in the parish, receive delegation from the Bishop or his Episcopal Delegate to serve in a particular parish and be com-missioned for services in the parish before they serve.
Church cleaners
Volunteers needed to assist with the cleaning of the church. Can you help dust, sweep, mop, or vacuuming the inside of the church? Please come on every Saturday and join in with other volunteers after the 10.00 Morning Mass. Special cleaning up days are organized before Christmas and Easter. Spend whatever time you can!