Other Services
Bible Study
Held every Wednesday. Please contact Liz Gregory for more information. The bible is so fundamental and central to the Second Vatican Council that it is impossible to do justice to this sweeping title in a short paper. The most important teachings of Vatican II are founded on the Bible, more directly than those of any previous ecumenical council Of its four documents which bear the special title of ‘Constitution, clearly the most fundamental one is Dei Verbum (hereafter DV), ‘the Word of God’, which expounds the Church’s faith in God’s revelation to humankind in the Bible, in Christ and in all the Church’s living tradition.
Divine Mercy
Held every Wednesday. Please contact Liz Gregory for more information.
The bible is so fundamental and central to the Second Vatican Council that it is impossible to do justice to this sweeping tide in a short paper. The most important teachings of Vatican II are founded on the Bible, more directly than those t us ecumenical council Of its four documents which bear the special titte fundamental one is Dei Verbum (hereafter DVI ion clearly the most ch expounds the Church’s faith in God’s revelation to humankind in Bible, in Christ and in all the Church’s living tradition.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Held at St Patrick every Sunday at 5pm
Exposition on Wednesday in chapel from 5-6 pm Wednesdays in term time
1322 The holy Eucharist completes Christian initiation. Those who have been raised to the dignity of the royal priesthood by Baptism and configured more deeply to Christ by Confirmation participate with the whole community in the Lord’s own sacrifice by means of the Eucharist
1323 At the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, our Savior instituted the Eucharistic escrifice of his Body and Blood This he did in onderita nemetuate the sacrifice of the ess throughout the ages until he should come again, and so to entrust to his beloved Spouse, the Church emorial of his death and resurrection: a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a Pascal hatet in which Christ is consumed, the mind Billed the grace, and pledge of future glory is given to us135.